Tailored Just For You
Customized Programs
At PRIME Medical Group, we develop customized wellness programs tailored to your specific health goals. After a thorough evaluation, we guide you through a personalized treatment plan designed to address concerns such as low energy, weight management, and inflammation.
Rejuvenation and Recovery
Your qualified fitness membership gives you access to exclusive discounts on personalized treatment and recovery services. Enhance your wellness routine with meal plans, personal training, and recovery options available through our partner fitness and recovery facilities.
Our services include wellness treatments such as cold plunge, red light, exercise with oxygen training (EWOT), lymphatic drainage, PEMF grounding, massage, and IV's—all designed to help you recover and optimize your health journey.
Get started with
PRIME Medical today.
Free Consultation
Get started with a free virtual consultation with one of our experienced patient care coordinators today!
(888) 717-7463
Schedule Your Service
Select a location and service to schedule your appointment online.